Recent News Articles about Emissions in the Seafood Industry
(April 2, 2022) SBTi releases new guide on emission-reduction targets for seafood sector. Seafood Source link
(February 28, 2022) Seafood companies commit to new Science Based Targets Initiative. Seafood Source link
(website) SBTi releases new guide on emission-reduction targets for seafood sector. link
Recent Reports of Interest
Selected Recent Scientific Literature (sorted by most recent)
2022 | Jones, A., H. Alleway, D. McAfee, P. Reis-Santos, S.Theuerkauf, R. Jones. 2022. Climate-Friendly Seafood: The Potential for Emissions Reduction and Carbon Capture in Marine Aquaculture. Bioscience 72(2):123-143. |
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2022 | Loubet, P. J. Couturier, R. Horta Arduin, G. Sonnemann. 2022. Life cycle inventory of plastics losses from seafood supply chains: Methodology and application to French fish products. Science of the Total Environment 804:150117. | |
2021 | Ahmed N, Turchini GM. 2021. Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS): Environmental solution and climate change adaptation. Journal of Cleaner production 297: 126604. | html |
2021 | Ruiz-Salmón, I., Laso, J., Margallo, M., Villanueva-Rey, P., Rodríguez, E., Quinteiro, P., Dias, A.C., Almeida, C., Nunes, M.L., Marques, A., Cortés, A., Moreira, M.T., Feijoo, G., Loubet, P., Sonnemann, G., Morse, A.P., Cooney, R., Clifford, E., Regueiro, L., Méndez, D., Anglada, C., Noirot, C., Rowan, N., Vázquez-Rowe, I., Aldaco, R., 2021. Life cycle assessment of fish and seafood processed products – a review of methodologies and new challenges. Sci. Total Environ. 761, 144094. ABSTRACT |
2021 | Ziegler F, Jafarzadeh S, Hognes ES, & Winther, U. 2021. Greenhouse gas emissions of Norwegian seafoods: From comprehensive to simplified assessment. J Ind Ecol. 2021;1−12. | |
2020 | Ruiz-Salmón, I., M. Margallo, J. Laso, P. Villanueva-Rey, D. Mariño, P. Quinteiro, A.C. Dias, M.L. Nunes, A. Marques, G. Feijoo, M.T. Moreira, P. Loubet, G. Sonnemann, A. Morse, R. Cooney, E. Clifford, N. Rowan, D. Méndez-Paz, X. Iglesias-Parga, C. Anglada, J.-C. Martin, Á. Irabien, R. Aldaco. 2020. Addressing challenges and opportunities of the European seafood sector under a circular economy framework. Curr. Opin. Environ. Sci. Health, 13 (2020), pp. 101-106, 10.1016/j.coesh.2020.01.004 ABSTRACT |
2019 | Bohnes FA, Laurent A. 2019. LCA of aquaculture systems: methodological issues and potential improvements. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 24: 324–337. | |
2019 | K. Richardson, B.D. Hardesty, C. Wilcox. Estimates of fishing gear loss rates at a global scale: a literature review and meta-analysis. Fish Fish., 20 (2019), pp. 1218-1231, 10.1111/faf.12407 | |
2019 | MacLeod M, Hasan MR, Robb DH, Mamun-Ur-Rashid M. 2019. Quantifying and Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Global Aquaculture. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Fisheries and Aquaculture technical paper no. T626. | |
2019 | Yuan J, Xiang J, Liu D, Kang H, He T, Kim S, Lin Y, Freeman C, Ding W. 2019. Rapid growth in greenhouse gas emissions from the adoption of industrial-scale aquaculture. Nature Climate Change 9: 318–322. | |
2018 | Avadí A, Henriksson PJG, Vázquez-Rowe I, Ziegler F. 2018. Towards improved practices in Life Cycle Assessment of seafood and other aquatic products. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23: 979–98 | |
2018 | He, P, D. Davy, J. Sciortino, M. Beveridge, R. Arnason, and A. Gudmundsson. 2018. Countering climate change: measures and tools to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emission in fisheries and aquaculture. In Barange, M. et al., eds. Impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture: Synthesis of current knowledge, adaptation and mitigation options. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper 627. | |
2018 | Bohnes FA, Hauschild MZ, Schlundt J, Laurent A. 2018. Life cycle assessments of aquaculture systems: a critical review of reported findings with recommendations for policy and system development. Reviews in Aquaculture 11: 1061–1079. | |
2018 | Henriksson PJG, Belton B, Jahan KM, Rico A. 2018. Measuring the potential for sustainable intensification of aquaculture in Bangladesh using life cycle assessment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115: 2958–2963. | |
2018 | Parker R. 2018. Implications of high animal by-product feed inputs in life cycle assessments of farmed Atlantic salmon. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23: 982–994. | html |
2018 | Parker, R.W. R., Blanchard, J. L., Gardner, C., Green, B. S., Hartmann, K., Tyedmers, P. H., &Watson, R. A. 2018. Fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions of world fisheries. Nature Clim. Change, 8:333–337. | |
2018 | Ray NE, O’Meara T, Wiliamson T, Izursa J-L, Kangas PC. 2018. Consideration of carbon dioxide release during shell production in LCA of bivalves. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23: 1042–1048. | html |
2018 | Villanueva-Rey, P., Vázquez-Rowe, I., Arias, A., Moreira, M.T., Feijoo, G., 2018. The importance of using life cycle assessment in policy support to determine the sustainability of fishing fleets: a case study for the small-scale xeito fishery in Galicia, Spain. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 23, 1091–1106. | html |
2018 | Ziegler, F., Groen, E. A., Hornborg, S., Bokkers, E. A. M., Karlsen, K. M., & de Boer, I. J. M. 2018. Assessing broad life cycle impacts of daily onboard decisionmaking, annual strategic planning and fisheries management in a northeast Atlantic trawl fishery. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 23(7), 1357–1367. | html |
2017 | Hauschild, M.Z., Rosenbaum, R.K., Olsen, S.I., 2017. Life Cycle Assessment: Theory and Practice. Springer International Publishing | Book |
2017 | Seghetta M, Romeo D, D’Este M, Alvarado-Morales M, Angelidaki I, Bastianoni S, Thomsen M. 2017. Seaweed as innovative feedstock for energy and feed: Evaluating the impacts through a Life Cycle Assessment. Journal of Cleaner production 150: 1–15. | html |
2017 | van Oirschot R, Thomas J-BE, Gröndahl F, Fortuin KPJ, Brandenburg W, Potting J. 2017. Explorative environmental life cycle assessment for system design of seaweed cultivation and drying. Algal Research 27:43–54. | html |
2016 | Denham, F.C., Biswas, W.K., Solah, V.A., Howieson, J.R., 2016. Greenhouse gas emissions from a Western Australian finfish supply chain. J. Clean. Prod. 112, 2079–2087. | |
2016 | Ziegler, F., Hornborg, S., Green, B.S., Eigaard, A.R., Farmery, A.K., Hammar, L., Smith A.D.M., Vázquez-Rowe, I., 2016. Expanding the concept of sustainable seafood using life cycle assessment. Fish and Fisheries 17(4), 1073-1093. | |
2016 | Ziegler, F.,Hornborg, S., Green, B. S., Eigaard,O. R., Farmery, A., Hammar, L.,Hartmann, K., Molander, S., Parker,W. R., Skontorp Hognes, E., Vázquez-Rowe, I., & Smith, A. D. M. 2016. Expanding the concept of sustainable seafood using life cycle assessment. Fish and Fisheries, 17(4), 1073–1093. | html |
2015 | Bene C, Barange M, Subasinghe R, Pinstrup-Andersen P, Merino G, Hemre GI, Williams M. 2015. Feeding 9 billion by 2050: Putting fish back on the menu. Food Security 7: 261–274. | Full html |
2015 | Driscoll, J., Boyd, C., Tyedmers, P., 2015. Life cycle assessment of theMaine and Southwest Nova Scotia lobster industries. Fish. Res. 172, 385–400. | html |
2014 | Scarborough, P., Appleby, P., Mizdrak, A., Briggs, A. M., Travis, R., Bradbury, K., & Key, T. 2014. Dietary greenhouse gas emissions of meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans in the UK. Climatic Change, 125, 179e192. | html |
2012 | Parker, R.W. R. 2012. Review of life cycle assessments research on products derived from fisheries and aquaculture: A review for Seafish as part of the collective action to address GHG in seafood. Sea Fish Industry Authority. | |
2010 | Driscoll, J., Tyedmers, P., 2010. Fuel use and greenhouse gas emission implications of fisheries management: the case of the new England Atlantic herring fishery. Mar. Policy 34, 353–359. | html |
2006 | Ellingsen H, Aanondsen SA. 2006. Environmental impacts of wild caught cod and farmed salmon: A comparison with chicken. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 11: 60–65. |