Meet the 2022 Field Crew
The 30-YR Bird Study is labor intensive. The field team is sampling the large 1-million-acre landscape as extensively as in 1992 and 1993. The 2022 crew comes from all over the U.S. All are excellent at identifying birds by song, an essential skill for the study.
The crew has to get up about 3:30 AM in order to get to their survey stations by sunrise, which can be more than an hour’s drive from base-camp.
The Point Count Team
Jonah Levy
Crew Leader- PhD candidate at Tufts University | Favorite part of the project: meditative time spent listening to birds. Jonah may be Maine’s best “birder-by-ear.”
Kelsi Anderson
Field Ops Coordinator: Kelsi is a Master’s student at University of New Hampshire, and hails from Wisconsin (home) and Colorado (sentimental home).
Hannah Mirando
Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and Sustainability from Cornell University | Favorite part of the project: working on a team.
Ryan Andrews
Senior at University of Kansas, studying evolutionary biology and ecology | Favorite part of the project: the ability to compare data from thirty years ago to now.
Jaylan Winstanley
Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and Sustainability from Cornell University | Favorite part of the project: experiencing the north woods.
Jude Dickerson
Bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Biology from University of Vermont | Favorite bird: Golden Eagle.
Ben Shamgochian
Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Tufts University | Favorite bird: Hudsonian Godwit.
The Productivity Survey Team (stationed at the Ragmuff outpost)
Molly Lynch
Bachelor’s degree in Evolution and Ecology from Ohio State University | Favorite bird: Green Heron.
Josh Kolasch
Senior at Northland College, studying wildlife ecology | Favorite part of the project: birding everyday. 5 years in the U.S. Marine Corps.